Apply for Funeral Funding Today
Affordable monthly payment plans through LendingUSA, a leading funeral funding group endorsed by the National Funeral Directors Association. Simple application can be made on-line.

Coming together after a loss is a very essential part of the grieving process. The foundation of our work is to help families honor their loved one in ways that represent their life through a meaningful service and dignified and respectful final disposition.
While planning and even paying for funeral services in advance is commonplace today, some families are stricken with an untimely death before any advance funeral plans were completed. This can mean an untimely expense, making the loss even more difficult.
Even the best intentions of planning a service can be a challenge.
If only given an opportunity, many families would select even a simple service over the option of no services.
We can now help our client families like never before.
Our partnership with LendingUSA can help our client families bridge this gap by providing immediate at-need funding so they may plan the kind of service that actually reflects their life lived.
There are a variety of benefits for using LendingUSA:
- Multiple easy-pay funding options, including an interest-free option;
- The application process is very discrete – you input your own private information on a secure online portal right in our office during the arrangements conference;
- The application is short – just a few questions;
- The answer to your funding request is very fast – provided in about 30-seconds after submitting the information;
- Once approved, the funds are immediately available, paid directly to the funeral home - no waiting period that may cause a delay in finalizing arrangements;
- The funds can be used to cover all of the services and merchandise selected at the funeral home, or as a supplement to life insurance proceeds or other forms of payment at the time of arrangements;
- All in an effort to maintain your dignity.

We want you to honor your loved one in a way that allows you to look back years from now and be thankful that you did the best you could to honor their life. Creating a ceremony that calls together the hearts and minds of all who loved them is a gift to everyone involved. A gift of memories, a gift of healing...a truly priceless gift of peace-of-mind.
Contact us today to speak with one of our directors or fill out the online form to Apply Today.